Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Evolution and Revolution in MARKETING

The reason for emphasizing evolutionary and revolutionary role in marketing has become important mainly because of continuous improvement in the technology of production, transportation and communication and greater development in sociology and psychology. Marketing today has become more important because of increasing competition among business organizations improved technology in manufacturing and increasing chance of global trade.

Now let us first clarify the meanings of the terminologies used:

Evolution: Gradual development of something to more complex form.

Revolution: A dramatic and wide-reaching change in the way of something works or organized.

The process of evolution has become important because of more educated persons working in business organizations who are trying to be increasingly innovative in managerial functions. As far as revolution is concerned, 21st century may have more revolution in manufacturing process, transportation, communication, mainly because of the availability of Internet, not only to the executives but also to workers. The distinction between evolution and revolution is essential to identify changes in the organization and its possible causes. It may also be stated that 21st century may have better evolution too, which may become effective for greater efficiency in the evolutionary process of business management.

In the context of strategic marketing there seems to be continuous improvement and that promotional activity would be more expensive for improving sales and increase consumer satisfaction, which is becoming more and more challenging because of greater experience and education of family consumers including children who may use internet for their purchases. It may also be pointed out that consumption among children is continuously increasing and good parents care more for improving the personality of their children. For improving evolutionary process there must be improvement in consumption research not only about male members but also on family consumers.  

The main reason for the success of corporations is continuity in overall improvement of the working system of the corporation, which we may be identified as development. To be specific, we may say that development of business organizations very much depends on continuous improvements, i.e. the result of systematized evolution. Systematization today, in my opinion, is the heart of success in business and gradual development. One may also think of good evolution leading to sudden, dramatic and wide ranging change that is revolution. One may predict that 21st century would have greater research for enhancing the performance of strategic marketing.
As we know strategic marketing forecasts for five to ten years  ahead and marketing people must realize that in future there will be products with greater sophistication mainly because of average customer will be more educated and some may even have technical knowledge as well. In the 21st century the number of various brands, especially in the area of family consumers goods are becoming more popular because of huge expenditure on promotion. These promotional activities are aimed at encouraging effective competition and would require more effective and efficient evolutionary process. It may be clearly stated that business organizations evolution processes will improve to meet the new type of competition from such firms, which are quite new and may adopt better policies for consumer. Revolution in marketing should also match with increased production facilities.For example in Germany some manufacturers are receiving orders in high quantities than their total production facilities. In other words countries like Germany are conducting research to improve their production methods.

On the whole, we can say that in 21st century there will be greater efficiency, and evolutionary process will continuously improve.

I have written this article so that marketing people may realize the importance of revolution in strategic marketing. As a matter of fact the future course in strategic marketing may be dependent up on effective evolution, semi-evolution as well increased evolution in manufacturing marketing and finance. It is difficult to predict about revolution in dynamic business organizations.

Evolution and Revolution in Selling / Marketing:
From the barter system, Marketing activities evolved towards personal selling, producing sales promotion advertising, direct marketing, credit sales, institutional basis of selling where customers buy products. Evolution in selling methods started with the showing of products/brands, final selection of product by customers, and then bargain about price.

In general bargaining methods continued for centuries and may still exist in some countries. However, retailing is becoming more systematized and one price policy is gaining as an advantage both to buyers and sellers. Consequently it has been saving time of both the buyers and the sellers. Bata shoe Company in the international market popularized one price policy in pricing distribution methodology. However it institutions, department stores, chain stores, super marking and retailers with lot of branches also emerged.

In my opinion direct marketing was a revolution. Marketing through Internet was another revolution. During 1950-2000, increased production forced manufacturers to promote their products through branding. The old brand technique was given greater importance and brand managers were inducted who were also given the responsibilities of advertising, sales promoting, product modification, packaging and research. However, the role and responsibilities of brand managers were not the same. Each brand manager was assigned responsibilities according to the canges, including the inroduction of some new products. 

In Pakistan quite a large number of brand managers were appointed both in Pakistani firms as well as in multinationals. Most of the brand played the most import part in enhancing the sales of Pakistani products like oil, ghee etc. Multinationals are well know for their marketing strategy. For example Unilevers have established themselves through a number of products like Lipton Tea, Lux Soap, Brook Bond Tea and several other brands. Branding strategy may be classified in two categories namely one brand name to all products of the company. some manufacturers give new brand name for each product like that of Unilevers. In the case of milk industry, (Nestle) they give only one brand name. 

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