Saturday, November 6, 2010


The 21st century with its charms and challenges  has  begun and nations that have better human capital and technological advancement in terms of education are destined to lead the world. If  Pakistan aspires to successfully compete in the global knowledge based economies it needs to provide readily accessible and affordable, quality higher education to larger number of its citizens. History is replete with instances of ascendancy of educationally and  technologically superior nations over their counterparts on the basis of  their knowledge and scientific advancement. Allama Iqbal Open University, since its inception in 1974, has tried to provide educational opportunities to the masses from basic education to post graduate levels to produce knowledgeable and skilled human resources. It has reached a new milestone of enrolling a million students in its thirty sixth year of existence. ALLAMA IQBAL OPEN UNIVERSITY,  a distance learning institution, has been striving to support the endeavours of the government for the creation of Pakistan, which will go a long way in ensuring a bright and prosperous future for all. The very concept of imparting education through open and distance education system suits our country owing to the geographical and gender related hurdles in our society that limit the availability of  higher education. Moreover, the sill-thirsty  employed people have also benefited from this flexible system, which does not have restriction of age. Locality or gender. 

The  success of ALLAMA IQBAL OPEN UNIVERSITY can be gauged from its unprecedented growth in terms of students enrollment, quality programmer and physical infrastructural development both at the Main Campus and in the regions.


FM Radia Transmission. 

Serving Students at their Doorsteps Information    and     Communication Technology  Building

Institute of Educational Technology (IET)

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